The Rising Phoenix

Toni French
3 min readAug 8, 2022
Open Source: Rising Phoenix birds

Over our lives, we as humans go through many stages. I love to call them our “Rising from the Ashes” moments, as a Ravenclaw, I feel that description explains what we go through as adults.

We’re not just learning how to read, write, walk, talk and all the under 18 lessons anymore. We have graduated to more intense moments of change. In these “ash rising” moments, we are having to let go of the things that no longer serve us, while reforming ourselves into the new person we are becoming.

It is never an easy process. It takes stepping out of the old person that we were, into the new person we want to become. We have to grow past old habits, let people go, as well as heartache and pain.

This, is where the Phoenix comes into this. If you have seen Harry Potter, you will know what Fawkes looked like before he sent Harry into a very panicked young boy in Dumbledore’s office. As Fawkes turned into ashes in front of him, Harry thought for sure that he would be in trouble.

Little did Harry know, he would go through several of these same moments throughout the stories of his growth as a Wizard from his first year to his last at Hogwarts.

Stairs with plateaus
“When we make progress quickly, it feeds our
emotions. Then, when there’s a period of
waiting or we hit a plateau, we find out how
committed we really are and whether we’re
going to see things through to the finish, or quit.”
~Joyce Meyer.

Becoming Who We are Meant to Be!

One thing that many people go through in our lives is growing pains. We think as young people that we will be “set” when we become adults. We feel that graduation from high school is the peak of our learning.

Little did we know, that was just one step in the path we have to take from birth to taking our last breath. It’s the first plateau we come across in life. It is the first point where we are left choosing whether we are committed to keep growing in knowledge or resigned to give into the “monotony” of work/life balance.

Most, by the time we reach 18, are stuck in the mentality of those around us. We struggle to see where their beliefs are different from our own. We tend to believe that the mentality of those around us are our own, so we get stuck in the monotony of just existing.

We work our fingers to the bone, trying daily to come to terms with our lives. Getting married, having kids, and living the picket fence life that we always dreamed about becomes more like a nightmare to some.

Then the kids are adults (where I am at now) and we figure out, we do not know what to do with our lives, now that the responsibility is gone. We have played the roles of spouse, parent, chauffeur, etc.

So, now that we are no longer taking on tasks in those roles, who are we?

We are now at the next major plateau in our lives. We have no idea most of the time what to do.

Have you ever asked yourself: “what do I truly want”, “what kind of life am I dreaming of”, “who am I”?

Those questions are always asked by coaches, mentors, and those in the “know” about how life truly works. They know that many people take on the “title” of whatever role they are playing in their life at that moment. But, that same individual does not know who they truly are without that title of: Spouse, parent, child, aunt/uncle, etc.

I am currently trying to figure that out for myself. On July 25, 2022, I moved away from my entire family, 46 years of what I knew, to find myself. Beginning my second week in, and I still have NO CLUE. This is going to be a huge rising from the ashes moment. One that I am excited and petrified about all at the same time. I have lived 46 years doing what everyone else told me to do. So now, it is about finding my voice in all the chaos in my head.



Toni French

Intuitive Coach, teacher of all the random facts and amazing insight learned over 40+ yrs on this planet, freelance writer for over 25 yrs,massive bibliophile!